Benefits of EWI system

There are lots of houses and buildings that would benefit from an EWI system. We know our heating and lack of insulation contributes to our carbon footprint. EWI is a great way to upgrade the look and efficiency of your home

So what is a EWI System and why should we have one?

EWI insulates your home by fitting insulation to the external walls of the property. Improving thermal performance and reducing energy consumption.

EWI Systems are built up in 5 stages
– Fixing of insulation boards
– Application of reinforcement mesh
– Base coat
– Primer
– Topcoat

The benefits

Improves thermal conductivity.
EWI limits the heat loss in your home. A good EWI system will hold the heat in meaning less stress on the boiler. Reducing heat/gas bills.

No more damp issues.
Heat loss through walls creates damp in some places. Less condensation issues do the warmer property.

Less noise.
If you live in a busy area. The systems thickness eliminates a big chunk of noise round your home.

No big interruption.
The house is very habitable while the work is being done. As it’s all external works

More attractive home.
EWI is finished with a thin-coat render such as acrylic, mineral or silicone. Which looks very modern and sleek.

More value on your home.
Investing in EWI will future proof your property and increase its value. Future buyers will not only be interested in look but have full piece of mind. Knowing that there home is coated in the latest fire proof materials.

No more maintenance.
Homes with a EWI system are easy to maintain. No more painting every 3 years. All would be needed is a yearly wash down .

If you feel external wall insulation would benefit your property please get in touch.