Plasterwork Prior To Skim

Painted or finished plastering that you see. Always must of had an undercoat prior to the skim finish. You can’t just skim straight onto bare brick or breeze block. In this blog we go through some of the different methods we use before the finished article.


Is applying an undercoat of plaster ruled off to make straight. Usually rubbed up with a devil float with lines to provide a key for skim.

Some of the products we use floating:

  • Hardwall – Hardwall is a fast drying backing coat suitable on most masonary backgrounds. This product can be sprayed on or put on by hand
  • Bonding – An ideal basecoat for low suction backgrounds. The fine mix makes it easier to spread and rule off ready for skim.
  • Tough coat – Thistle tough coat is a lightweight plaster that spreads easily. It has good impact resistance suitable for most backgrounds. Tough coat can be sprayed or put on by hand.
  • Dricoat – Is designed for plastering after the damp proof course has been done successfully. The wall is likely to contain salts. Dricoat can absorb some of the moisture. Making it a great backing plaster for a damp proof course.


This is by far the most popular way in the current climate. Drylining is more quicker, cleaner and also easier to achieve a straight plumb wall. It’s a process we’re you mix up drywall adhesive then stick on the wall in dabs. Before applying the plasterboard then using a level or straightedge to make flat and level. Done properly the dabs should be done in a solid dabbed picture frame. With gas pipes solid dabbed and sockets dabbed round the box. This is to pass the air tests. So if there was ever a gas leak in future it couldn’t come into the property.

These are some of the methods Approved Plastering Systems use on a daily basis. With 20 years experience we have the knowledge and experience.